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Boost Your Google Review with ReviewTapper

Get More Reviews from satisfied Customers from Google. For more Reach, Visibility and Sales

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Few lines of short description.

Get 5-star reviews in just 4 seconds!

Ahead of competition

Become the first on Google


Your customers are redirected to your Google review form

Boost your positive reviews

Increasing your positive reviews rapidly

No Engagement

No contractual commitment. You are free.

How does it work?

Present your customer with your contactless Google Review card, and thanks to the contactless technology (NFC), he just has to approach his smartphone to be immediately redirected to your Google Review page.Present your customer with your contactless Google Review card, and thanks to the contactless technology (NFC), he just has to approach his smartphone to be immediately redirected to your Google Review page...Present the Google Review card to your customer -Your customer taps the card -Your Google Review form opens -Your customer leaves you a Google Review

Collect reviews quickly
Improve your local referencing
Increase your legitimacy


How many reviews can I collect with ReviewTAPPER?
What is the validity period of ReviewTAPPER?
Can I change the link on my ReviewTAPPER?
My customers need a Google account to write a review?